It’s February 15th and that means Fat Quarter Shop Sew Along Time! I had so much fun making the second block of their sewing series. You can download the block by clicking HERE.
There is even a video!
I am thrilled with my red and white idea and I hope I can keep it going with out burning out. I even bought me some new Keds to match my quilt blocks!! I love red & white!!!
I am always looking for shortcuts when sewing and so I got out my Sizzix Fabi to make the half square triangles in a snap!
This is so much fun and I hope you join us in sewing along!!!
*Psst! The designers of the quilt’s fabrics – Bonnie & Camille – are sewing along, too! How fun!
Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl (@jedicraftgirl)
Amy of Diary of a Quilter (@diaryofaquilter)
Andy of A Bright Corner (@abrightcorner)
*Bonnie of Cotton Way (@bonniecottonway)
*Camille of Thimble Blossoms (@thimbleblossoms)
Debbie of Happy Little Cottage (@happylittlecottage1)
Greg of Grey Dogwood Studio (@greydogwoodstudio)
Heidi of Buttons and Butterflies (@buttonsandbutterflies)
Melissa of Happy Quilting (@happyquiltingmc)
Melissa of Oh How Sweet (@ohhowsweet)
Pat Sloan of (@quilterpatsloan)
Renee of Sewn with Grace (@sewnwithgrace)
Sedef of Down Grapevine Lane (@downgrapevinelane)
Sherri of A Quilting Life (@aquiltinglife)
Sondra of Out of the Blue Quilts (@sondradavison)
Taunja of Carried Away Quilting (@taunjalynn)
Tina of Emily Ann’s Kloset (@emilyannskloset)
Carrie Nelson/Miss Rosie of Moda Cutting Table

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