If you know me at all you know I LOVE Composition Books! I use one for everything: sewing notes, Christmas planning, Young Women Camp Planning, Journals, Gospel study notes, To Do Lists, and on and on! I love sewing covers for these fun books to give them personality and also add durability! I am loving the latest Marvel Fabrics from Camelot Fabrics available at Fat Quarter Shop. These would make great Christmas or Birthday gifts!
Cut Center piece 7″ x 16.5″
Cut (2) accent pieces 2.5″ x 16.5″
Cut Lining 11″ x 16.5″
Cut flap pieces (2) 10″ x 11″
Heat n Bond Fusible Fleece 11″ x 16.5″
To make the outer book cover, using 1/4″ seams, sew the top and bottom pieces to the center Marvel piece. Press seams.
Fuse the Heat n Bond Fusible Fleece to the wrong side of the fabric according to the manufacturer instructions.
Sew accent stitching 1/8″ along both sides of the seam.
To finish the composition book cover, follow this tutorial. I omitted the button closure.
The book tucks easily inside the cover.
It’s the perfect addition to my collection of Marvel fabric items!!!

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