I purchased this rather large frame off of Craigslist last year. It’s been sitting in my garage and I didn’t know what to do with it. The other day I though, “Gee it would be nice to have a quilt block design board!” The hamsters in my brain began spinning their little wheel and I put 2 and 2 together! Here’s how you can make one!
a large frame with an ugly picture 🙂 – you can totally paint the frame, I liked the vintagey metallic of this frame
If your frame is empty, you will need a piece of 1/4″ plywood that is cut to fit inside the frame
Batting, enough to fill the frame plus 2.5″ on each side 2 times
Hot glue
Begin by laying the picture or plywood on the cotton batting. Cut around the picture leaving about 2.5″ on each side. Then cut another piece of batting the same size.
Place the picture or plywood in the center of the first piece of batting. Begin hot gluing around the edges and adhering the edge of the batting – pulling so the batting is taught. Continue gluing all the way around. Then repeat this process with the second piece of batting, pulling and gluing and burning your fingers.
I was a little worried the picture with 2 layers of batting would be too thick for the frame, but it fit perfectly, it almost didn’t need to be secured. Insert the batting covered board into the frame. Hammer a few nails around the frame to secure. Then add picture hanging wire, making sure it’s the proper weight for the frame. Tada – done in about 5 minutes!!!
Baby Mufasa approves! I had to hurry and hang it so he wouldn’t claw it!!
It’t perfect to display all your blocks in progress. I like that mine is always different depending on what I’m working on. It’s like having a new picture everyday!

I have kept a rather large frame that was part of a light in my kitchen. I keep thinking I should pitch it but now I know what to do with it. Thanks much for the idea.