Life was too hectic to write about our sweet Elf Richie everyday. I thought you might like to see some highlights of his antics this year. We will miss you so much, Richie! We hate to say goodbye to you tonight. Until next year….
Richie arrived at our home in a sealed Santa’s Workshop Lego set. We were all so surprised and we didn’t know he was inside for quite a while!
All the children had so much fun putting the Lego set together. We used the tongs to put Richie on the little tree so he could watch.
We found Richie and his reindeer in a roll of TP
Richie is somewhat of a cardshark, sporting a full house in this game of Tripoley.
Richie gathered all the stuffed cats in the house an placed them on the stairs. He was found reading my “Think Like A Cat” book.
Sugar Angles
Hanging in the bathroom
This one was a little questionable 🙂
Bows all over the kitchen and stuck to any solid surface!
Hot Hot cocoa date with Anna
A little mischief with Snowflake Sally’s non-magical girl elf
Helping out with St. Nicholas Day
Chillin’ in the freezer with some North Pole Fat Boys!
Setting the table and serving everyone gingerbread men for breakfast.
Peppermint cotton candy for breakfast
We are saying our goodbye’s to Richie today. I love the photos. I can’t believe we have to wait an entire year to see him again…..pass the Kleenex!!

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