I have two front doors and I never know what to hang on them. Do I just hang one wreath? Do I leave them plain? Oh, and it can’t be anything heavy that will scratch the paint when the wind blows or the door opens. And one more thing, I don’t want to spend a lot of money, because I like to spend all my money on fabric 🙂 That being said, I found these red berry wreaths at a garage sale for $1 each. I actually think these might have really been my wreaths from 20 years ago 🙂 I knew they had some Halloween potential.
Black spray paint is your best Halloween decorating friend. One coat of shiny black spray paint, some chevron ribbon left over from last year and a black crow…..It’s the perfect CHEAP Halloween wreath for my door.
And there are two of them! Cheap, won’t scratch, and spooky!

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