One of our favorite spring time traditions (that we have done several times over the years) is to hatch eggs in an incubator. We usually hatch chickens, but this year we have some turkey eggs in our incubator! I’ll have to do an update on our turkey chicks on my blog in about 28 days or so.
We also use this tradition to teach our kiddos about the wonderful creations that Jesus has made for us. We talk about how much Jesus loves them, and how he has created this beautiful world full of wonderful things just for us. It’s amazing to see one of Heavenly Father’s creations up close. It’s so fun watching my kiddos seeing the miracle of life. We still laugh when we think about my youngest daughter asking, “How did that chicken get in the egg?” She just couldn’t figure that one out! haha! 😉
I know many of you probably aren’t able to hatch your own chicks but maybe you could take your kiddos to a petting zoo, classroom or farm that has some chicks hatching. It really is an amazing thing to watch. You can also find lots of fun egg hatching videos online, too. I’ve included a link to a super cool hatching video below along with some other fun activities to go along with the Jesus Loves Me theme for today.
Today’s Activity:
Watch this video of chicks hatching or visit a petting zoo or farm. 🙂
Talk about how Jesus created the animals for us. Tell them that Jesus created the world, plants, animals & our families for us because he loves us. You could also talk about why we color Easter eggs & hunt eggs at Easter. Eggs symbolize new life & are a symbol of Christ’s resurrection.
I Know That My Savior Loves Me
Lesson Ideas:
Lil’ Chick Cookie Cups from The Gunny Sack
I also made these handouts to include in your 14 days of Christ notebooks. 🙂
You can just right click on the image & save to your computer.
With this handout have your older kids list all the ways
that they know that Jesus loves them.
For younger kiddos you could have them draw a picture.
This handout is the chorus of one of my favorite songs.
You can really feel the love of the Savior when you hear this song.
I made one where you can add a picture of you & the Savior.
Then I made a handout with just the words. Enjoy! 🙂

Thanks for having me over, Amanda! 🙂