Hi friends! This is Amber from Crazy Little Projects!
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I’m happy to be here to talk about something that is very near and dear to my heart-Jesus Christ and his example of Charity and Love. If there’s one topic that I get most excited about when talking about Christ, it’s that one. I love what he taught us about loving others and I love to teach my kids the same. I’ve put together a short and simple lesson to help your children learn more about Jesus Christ and his example of Charity to those he met. Do what works best for your family…and enjoy! Lesson: Start off by watching 1-2 of these Bible videos about the life of Jesus. I recommend:
- Ye Have Done It Unto Me (Matthew 25:31-46)
- Whosoever Will Lose His Life for My Sake Shall a Find (Matthew 16:21–28)
- The Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:28-34)
- The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Then talk about the principles taught in those videos. Reread the scriptures and talk about what they mean and how you can apply them to life today. What does it mean that “ye have done it unto me?” How does that translate into the life of a 6 year old? A 10 year old? A teenage? Talk about how they can show love to others in their life. Talk about some specific examples of how they can show charity and Christlike love in their lives. Have them take a few minutes to write their ideas in their journal. If your family is like mine, one of the biggest areas to work on in showing love is in the home. Talk about how you can show love to each other better. For us, it all boils down to some simple words, which my boys hear out of my mouth every single day and in most of my prayers as well-Be Kind! To help them remember, I’ve made some cute little printable handouts for them. Click to open them, then right click and save and then print them and have each person place one somewhere that will remind them each day to be kind to others: (I made several colors so take your pick!)
Share with your family WHY charity, love and kindness matter to you. Activity (and Treat!): One thing my family loves to do together is to get out and spread the love. So, for an activity tonight, take your family and go do something nice for someone. Here are a few simple ideas to get you started thinking:
- Take treats to someone. You can even ding dong ditch them if you want to make it really fun!
- Go through a drive thru and pay for the person behind you. (When we did this the lady at the drive thru said someone earlier had done the same thing and then one car after another paid for the person behind them and it lasted for about 10 cars. So cool.)
- Take a treat and a thank you card to the local fire station or police station
- Leave quarters on vending machines
- Leave dollars in the dollar spot at Target or at the dollar store
- Take flowers to a nursing home
- Make lunches and hand them out to homeless people
- Find a beggar on a corner and give him money
- Serve a meal at a food bank
- Send money to someone in need
- Put together a package for service men and women
- Write thank you notes to people who make a difference in your life
- Make a meal for someone in need (just had a baby, someone’s been sick, etc.)
There’s tons of things you can do! Just pick some simple acts of kindness and do them. I’ve also created a printable tag that you can leave if it fits with your service. Kind of a pay it forward idea:
One idea we do a lot is simply to make cookies and take them to a friend, a new neighbor, someone with a birthday, etc. It’s simple, but it makes people happy! Here is our favorite cookie recipe. This will also make a great treat for your family night:

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