Resurrection Eggs
If you haven’t had a chance to do this with your family, the night before Easter is a great time. Preparation: you need 12 plastic eggs. Number them 1 through 12. Below I have the number and corresponding items and scriptures. (you could also place a little treat in each one.) Place them inside the eggs. Hide the 12 eggs.
Have the children find the 12 eggs. Open the egg and read each scripture beginning with egg #1. This will take you through the Easter story. There are pictures to go with just about every scripture. Click HERE for the pictures. The scriptures began with Christ’s entry into Jerusalem.
Here are the Scripture references for the 12 eggs:
1. Ride on a Donkey – Matthew 21:1-9
2. Silver Coins – Matthew 26:14-16, 46-50; 27:1-5
3. Passover Cup – Matthew 26:17-19, 26-28
4. Praying Hands – Mark 14: 32-42
5. Leather Whip – John 19; 1-15 Matthew 27:26-31
6. Crown of Thorns – Matthew 27:29-31
7. Nails in the Cross – John 19: 16-22
8. Dice for Gambling – John 19: 23-25
9. Soldier’s Spear – John 19:31-37
10. Linen Wrapping – Matthew 27: 57-61
11. Stone of the Tomb – Matthew 28:1-3
12. Empty Tomb – Matthew 28:5-8
For the past 16 years it is a tradition in our family to make “Resurrection Rolls.” I didn’t come up with this recipe – it’s one of those things that gets passed around. I am still amazed how everyone marvels at how the marshmallow disappears! Click here for instructions.

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