Print the Backstage Pass on photo paper. Click HERE to download.
Cut them out. Cut the 1D valentines to fit on the pass. I choose to use the picture on the back of the valentine since it was of all 5 of the guys and it was a little smaller and fit perfectly in the space. Glue the valentines to the passes.
Oh my, they are so cute…..I mean the Valentines are so cute 🙂
Print the back of the pass on regular paper and cut on the faint gray line.
The 1D valentines come with little stickers. So we added a sticker to the back. Sally then signed them all. Glue the front and the back together.
Insert into a laminating pouch and laminate.
We are just a little bit excited to wear this!! We are making one for everyone in the class – even the boys – oh well! That’s about 26 in all! Better get cutting!

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