I love our Elf on the Shelf, Ritchie! We look forward to when Richie arrivies and we cry when he leaves! Here are a few of our Ritchie’s antics! Follow my Elf on the Shelf Pinterest Board HERE

We found Richie and his reindeer in a roll of TP
Richie is somewhat of a card shark, sporting a full house in this game of Tripoley.
Richie gathered all the stuffed cats in the house an placed them on the stairs. He was found reading my “Think Like A Cat” book.
Sugar Angles
Hanging in the bathroom
This one was a little questionable 🙂
Bows all over the kitchen and stuck to any solid surface!
Hot Hot cocoa date with Anna
A little mischief with Snowflake Sally’s non-magical girl elf
Helping out with St. Nicholas Day
Chillin’ in the freezer with some North Pole Fat Boys!
Setting the table and serving everyone gingerbread men for breakfast.
Peppermint cotton candy for breakfast
On Christmas Eve Ritchie has extra magic so the children can hug him good bye….pass the kleenex!
Of course the toilet papering of the Christmas Tree!
The M&M bath
Crusin’ around with Merida in the back of the truck
Chillin’ in the freezer
Sleeping in
The underwear display
Epic game of Battleship with Rudolph
Dry erase marker on the school pictures
Crape paper barricade
Elf-size tea party
Red marker Rudolph Noses on the children
Again – hangin’ with Rapunzel
Popcorn party gone out of control
Good advice
Jokes are a hit with the 9 year old crowd!
Lego mini figures feeling neglected
Just fishin’
Richie loves his princesses!
Hanging by a stocking
Hiding in the wreath
Playing with the Vinylmation collection
The day before Richie had to go back to the North Pole (December 24th) Richie was granted extra magic which meant we were able to hold him – but only that day. This was such a thrill to my little girl – this was the most special day ever.

These are adorable! I forwarded it to my daughter. My grandkids, 9 & 5 both get very excited waiting for their elf, even the 9 year old. Wonder what will happen this year at her school. These are terrific and thank you.