It is mostly store-ad coupons like Joann, Michaels, Kohls, Macy’s, etc. Some of my friends clip the coupons and put them in a little coupon wallet. For some reason, I like to save the entire ad. Most of the ads are good for a few weeks and I can’t always remember what is on special.
Yes, I know I can have all the coupons and ads I ever want on my phone. Did you know you can use your phone coupons AND your store coupons? So I will continue to have one foot on the cutting edge of technology and one foot back in ancient history of paper coupons!
For the past several years I have thought everyday, “I should sew something to keep all these papers organized in.” I woke up this morning and decided today was the day!! There are a lot of pouch tutorials out there. Instead of finding one that would work I just created my own. Here is how you can make one too!!
1/3 yard outer fabric
1/3 yard lining fabric
44″ Therm O Web Heat n Bond fusible interfacing – light weight
hair elastic
trim (optional)
Begin by cutting your outer fabric and lining fabric 12 1/2″ x 21 1/2″
I LOVE Therm O Web products! I go through yards and yards of their fusible fleece. For this project I decided to use a Heat n Bond fusible interfacing. (For more info on Therm O Web products & how to order click HERE.) I wanted the pouch to be firmer. Cut 2 pieces of your fusible interfacing 12 1/2″ x 21 1/2″. Fuse them to the wrong side of your 2 pieces of fabric.
Get a small plate or bowl and trace to round the top 2 corners of your main fabric. Trim along your line.
You can embellish this pouch any way you want. You can top stitch fabric, ruffles, ric rac, etc on the main piece. I choose to be speedy and added a piece of crochet lace to the center.
Take the pony tail holder and sew it in half like this. It only needs to stretch about an inch so you don’t need the whole thing. I sewed it back and forth a few times to make sure it doesn’t pull out.
Now layer right sides together and pin. I used a generous 1/4″ seam. leave a 2″-3″ opening on the side to turn.
Clip the rounded corners and the square corners. Turn and press.
Fold the bottom half up 7 1/4″ and pin in place. Top stitch around the pouch.
Fill with coupons & now you are ready to shop!!
OK – I really love this! Can’t believe it took me so long to make one! You can make this project in under 30 minutes 🙂
Here is a little peek into my purse and all my little pouches:

great job!!
This is such a great idea…after a little while I hope to have one more pouch in my purse, too! I have pouches for change, tissues, and 3 more for business cards, credit cards and loyalty cards. BTW…that turquoise scarf on the red purse is awesome, too!
How pretty, you did a great job!!! Love the fabric and the lace strip. Very cute!
Such an awesome idea! My purse is full of coupons too and it gets super messy. Love the fabric you chose to use too.
Holy moly, my purse looks exactly like your before. I’m gonna have to be sewing up some pouches! I have so many Joann’s sales flyers floating around in there it’s crazy! 🙂 Thanks so much for the tutorial and great idea!
Heidi @
I love that you showed the inside of your purse! Mine looks just like that, but it’s mostly receipts. Organizing with pouches is a great idea!
Hi! Just found you through the blog hop. I absolutely love this!! Pinning right now, and can’t wait until I can try it! 🙂
You have been featured at The DIY Dreamer! YAY!! Come on over and grab your featured button, you deserve it!
Don’t forget to swing by this evening to link up again 🙂
Wonderful projects! Love all!
let me see how many pouches: 1 for paper money, license, receipts. 1 for personal grooming items, i.e., nail clippers, etc. that get lost if I let anyone use them :). 1 for check books. 1 for change. 1 for sunglasses, 1 for regular glasses. and I’m considering another. Yes, I do have the same condition you do!
This is such a great idea! I have been wanting something like this that works with flyers…I keep mine in a zip lock bag…not very pretty so this is going to be great…thank you. I like all your other pouches too…=)PattyD.
Very cute. Love the fabric Is that Riley Blake?
I’ve never seen anything like this and think it is just awesome!
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