Richie our elf has been surprising, delighting, and entertaining our family! Here are his latest antics:
Sippin’ syrup with Rapunzel, Richie’s latest crush 🙂
Richie tucked in a doll bed (he was reading a book, but Sally took it)
Tied up by those mean Lego guys (this one is all over the internet, maybe that’s where Richie got it from!)
Just chilaxin’ in the freezer….and now wearing a blue scarf!
Crape paper sabotage. You can’t see Richie in the photo, but he is all tangled up in the red crape paper.
We made Richie some tiny spritz cookies and left him a little cup of milk.
Every night there is a note by Richie from one of the children – it is sooooo cute! My children wake up early every morning to try and be the first to spot him. How we love Richie!!
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