The other day, as I was cutting out my millionth valentine/owl quilt, I was wondering if I was wasting my time – I don’t really need another quilt in my house!! Later that evening I found an answer to my question as I watched Ella gather my remaining scraps and lay them out to make a little pattern. Then, she sewed the pieces together to make a darling mini quilt top. I showed her how to pin baste and then we taped lines to guide her quilting. This was her first time machine quilting and she did the whole project by herself – no help! Then, we cut out the binding and she sewed it on and now she is hand sewing the binging down. THAT is why I sew!! I am so proud of my little sewer girl Ella!!
Sally is next, she already knows how to use pins, she can tangle thread all around the house, she loves buttons, and she thinks she is really sewing when she sits at the machine!

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