This world wide pandemic has changed everyone’s life. Its is the craziest time right now. I still can’t believe this is real and we are living it. Today is the end of week 4 for us in quarinteen.
I wanted to create something that represented this time. I love making quilts to commemorate or document a life event. This certainly is a life event.

So I spent time looking around, soul searching, and coming to terms with what this all means so I could put it into a quilt.

This is what I came up with. Let me explain why.
Technically it’s spring, there are flowers and blooms. However every day thus far has been rainy or cloudy – gray. So I knew this quilt needed to reflect that. It’s as if spring is trying to emerge but the weather is holding it back – and I think that’s how people feel. We are trying to grow and thrive but this virus is a cloud hanging over us. The sun will come out – just not yet. So the quilt has a dark woven gray background and also an abundance of flowers.

Everyday I wake up and think “Is this real?” and then I realize – yes its so real. So I get up and do it all over again – just like Groundhog Day! I find myself praying throughout the day, asking for strength, asking for blessings for those who are suffering, those who are caretakers or healthcare workers, blessings for leaders of countries, blessings for a cure. Every day I am seeking for Grace. And so the phrase Grace everyday needed to be a part of the quilt. That’s how I am living – with trust in Him and hope in Him.

I wanted this quilt to be a reminder of this time. I had planned to have the quilt finished by Easter. But then the mask sewing began the the quilt was put on pause. I want to remember that when I look at this quilt. There are so many things this quilt reminds me of. Most of all it’s the goodness of people and the goodness of God. A line from a favorite song “and rain will make the flowers grow.” That is this quilt.

I hope you like it.
You can find the quilt pattern in my Etsy Shop by clicking HERE.

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