I am so happy it’s spring and almost Easter! Every year our family does a “14 Day Walk With Christ” the 2 weeks leading up to Easter. Over the years it’s changed to suit the needs of our family. When I had small children we had lessons, activities, and treats every day! Click here to see the all the topics and activities from the past 5 years!
This year we will read the scripture, talk about how it can bring us closer to Jesus and what changes we need to make in our life to come closer to Him. I ave made 14 little printables that you can print off and use. Click here to download the files. I used these small clothespins to pin the scriptures on an Easter garland. You could easily use jute, lace, ribbon, or any kind of trim.
Each day we will pin a new scripture on!!
I took the files to Staples and had them printed 4 to an 11″x17″ sheet. You can have them printed any size up to a 12″x12″!
I love seeing them all together – it makes my heart happy!
Every day on Instagram I am will post one of these verses with a question. I am super excited for everyone to share their thoughts! I think this is a great way to learn from each other.
I hope that you and your family are able to use these to invite Jesus into your hearts as we prepare for Easter. It was really hard to narrow it down to just 14 scriptures! I love scriptures!!!

I just found your website. I am the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for my ward. I wanted to do some kind of spiritual focus leading up to either Easter or General Conference tying into being spiritually prepared. I love your ideas. Do you have the questions or any articles you posted with the 2018 Walk with Christ ideas?