I love to give quilts for baby gifts! Sometime there isn’t enough time for an elaborate pattern. This is my Go-To pattern for a baby quilt. I put this Panda themed quilt top together in 1.5 hours this morning – which included choosing fabrics and cutting! I love this pattern with theme prints and these panda bears have stolen my heart! All the fabrics are from Panda-Rama by Blend Fabrics.
The panda quilt is an adaptation from my Windy Girls Quilt Tutorial.
I made 2 changes: First, I didn’t piece the centers, I omitted the first step and I cut the pandas 8 1/2″ square. This saves a step, saves time, and lets you use super large prints in the center.
Here you can see the difference in the blocks.
The Windy Girls pattern has 20 blocks – I made this Panda quilt with 16 blocks. This is plenty big for a baby quilt and it saves on fabric and time!
The second change I made was not to rotate the blocks, but keep them going all the same way. I didn’t want sideways pandas. It creates a fun little pattern. If you look close you can see a few gray strips I had to subside in because I ran out of the white. You could totally make this scrappy or keep it simple. I would love to hear how fast you can piece the top in! Can you beat me? 🙂

Hi Jedi Master,
Would you share the size blocks needed. All the strip sizes and center block. I am a very novice quilter and would love to make this quilt for my granddaughter who is on her way to us.
Thank you Cathy
If you click on the Windy Girls Quilt link, it will take you to the real tutorial with fabric requirements and measurements 🙂
Can I get the pattern for this quilt? Thanks
Do you have the amounts of fabric for the Baby Quilt adaptation?
I just modified the Windy Girls (the link is in the post) fabric requirements:
2/3 yard orange girl fabric
3/4 yard small dot fabric
1 yard blue floral
1 yard white floral
1/2 yard binding
3 yards backing
How much fabric do I need for this quilt? I see that you only used 3 for this quilt.
You can click the link for the “Windy Girls” quilt tutorial – the fabric requirements are listed there, I’ve also included them here:
2/3 yard orange girl fabric
3/4 yard small dot fabric
1 yard blue floral
1 yard white floral
1/2 yard binding
3 yards backing
Well if you add 2/3 and 3/4 together (original yardage requirements for priced inside of Windy City block) it’s about 1.5 yards needed of novelty fabric… I think!
How many strips did you cut when you made 4 less blocks?
I’m referring to the sides as I plan on using a solid color 8 1/2 inch block for the center.
Did you put any additional border on either the Panda or Windy Girls?
How do I get this pattern for the baby quilt
Love this! I have some little pigs that are just aching to be popped into the centers of these blocks! Thanks so much for sharing your hard work and expertise!
I am thrilled to have found your site. Your ideas are so clean and natural. Thank you
Love this pattern
I love the block. However, I am going to try to make a baby quilt of just this block enlarged I am still working on the measurements.