I LOVE striped quilt binding cut on the bias! In fact, this is always my first choice when making quilt binding!! I recently received a question from a reader who asked to explain an easy way to make striped bias cut quilt binding. Here is my answer in a simple step by step. There are fancy and tricky ways out there that show you how to cut binding strips on the bias. I stick to my old-fashion method 🙂
My mother-in-law, who is a seasoned quilter, explained that traditionally quilt binding was always cut on the bias and was single fold. The reason being that when you cut fabric on the bias it won’t unravel as if you cut it along the grain. That way the quilt binding only needed to have one layer because the bias cut would hold up to wear and washing. Now days it seems we all cut 2 1/2″ strips and fold in half and it doesn’t matter which way the fabric is cut.
I like to look for fabric that is printed on the bias. This is the best invention because you get the bias striped look, you don’t need as much fabric, and the cutting is easier!
With bias striped printed fabric you only need to cut it at 2 1/2″ increments!!
Most striped fabric is not printed on the bias so you need to follow this method:
First you want to have at least a half yard of fabric to begin with. A yard is better because you get nice long strips, but if you only have 1/2 yard it will still work. Don’t lay your fabric like this:
Instead you open the fabric and fold it at a 45 degree angle. Line up the fold along the bottom of your cutting mat.
Take the extra fabric at the top and fold it directly down:
Choose a nice spot in the center and line up the ruler. Make your first cut.
Then proceed to cut at 2 1/2″increments until you have the desired amount of strips.
Line up the strips perpendicular angle. Match up the stripes:
Sew from intersection to intersection:
Trim off the excess, 1/4″ away from the seam. Press the seam open.
Perfect bias striped binding!!! Press in half lengthwise and sew on your quilt as you normally would.
You can apply the same technique to gingham and plaid!

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