You’re invited to join in the Little Ruby Quilt Along by the Fat Quarter Shop! Mufasa and I are excited to put together this fun quilt with you!
This week we are choosing our fabrics, gathering supplies and getting familiar with the pattern. Watch this video to learn more 🙂
Mufasa and I have chosen to use Vintage Picnic by Moda.
Here is the schedule:
Part 1: today! Choose your fabric, gather supplies, and read the pattern
Part 2: Monday, June 13th– star blocks:
Part 3: Monday, June 27th – quilt assembly:
Part 4: Monday, July 11th – Your finished quilt:
You can check out the amazing bloggers who are participating in this Sew Along!
Melissa from Happy Quilting
Angie from Gnome Angel
Erin Cox from Why Not Sew
Andy from A Bright Corner
Heidi from Buttons & Butterflies
Pat from Pat Sloan
Peta from She Quilts a Lot
Heather from Quilt Story
Megan from Quilt Story
Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl
Gerri from Planted Seed Designs
Sherri from A Quilting Life
Rebecca from Bryan House Quilts
Sherri from This & That Patterns
Jemima from Tied with a Ribbon
Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts
Stephanie from Modern Sewciety
Brooke from Silly Mama Quilts
Carrie from Moda’s United Notions

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