Fabric Covered Letters

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How FUN are these fabric covered letters!!!

fabric letters

You can embellish them with glitter, trim, rosettes, buttons, flowers, pretty much anything!  Get your glue gun and let’s get started!!

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Letters – mine are 1/4″ MDF letters purchased at Beverly’s Crafts.  They measure 10″ tall

Fabric fat quarters

Decou page

foam brush

hot blue gun & glue

trim, glitter, buttons, or other embellishments

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Begin by making sure your fabric will cover the letter.

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Spread the Decou Page all over the front of the letter.  Lay the fabric over the letter, smoothing it out with your fingers.  Then apply a coat oa Decou Page over the fabric.  Let dry completely.

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Once it is completely dry.  Lay the letter upside down on a cutting mat.  Using an exacto knife or small utility knife, cut along the edge letter.  I put a movie on and did this because it takes some time 🙂

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Now comes the fun part – and the painful part!  Using a hot glue gun, run a bead of glue along the edge of the letter and attach trim.  I love these tiny pom poms!!  You could also use white glue and glitter like in the FUN letters.

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Once the trim is on you can make rosettes or flowers and hot glue them on if you want.

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I’m going to hang the SEW HAPPY letters up in my sewing room!!
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  1. Ms. Amanda, where did you purchase the cotton towels you used in your UTUBE video tutorial on the 8″ quilted potholders dated August 9th, 2023? And was your Painters tape 1 or 1-1/2 inches? I going to a wedding in a few weeks and would like to make some of these for the gift.

    Thank you so much.

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