Nothing says family unity like cooking in the kitchen! Today’s service project is making dinner for someone. Think of someone you know that could use a little break from the dinner-time routine. It could be new mother, someone who was recently sick or in the hospital, or it could just be a family with young children and you know the mom would love a night off! Who ever it is – get ready for some fun in the kitchen!
For our meal we smoked pulled pork, made coleslaw and then baked our famous banana cake. I am sharing the recipe with you!!! I literally get requests for it! Even if you don’t have time to make and entire dinner, you could make the cake or other baked items.
I also included this little kitchen towel I made. You can read how to make it here.
I made these little printable tags you can download and print. One is for if someone is not feeling well, the other is for a general Happy Easter message 🙂
Instead of just having mom or dad go drop the meal off, we all went together. Aren’t we cute! I love this quote from President Spencer W. Kimball:

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