February is just flying by! I needed a little pick-me-up today and throw pillows always do just the trick! A friend of mine came over and we spent the afternoon sewing. I came up with the idea of this interactive pillow after sitting next to my little girl at church yesterday. We brought along the quiet book (circa 1980) and one of the pages is a tic tac toe game. I thought this would be super fun to incorporate into a Valentine’s Day pillow!
I love how it turned out and my kids LOVE it! They couldn’t believe I made something fun!! I think the fabrics make it – it’s the Flirt line by Dear Stella. I had some left over from my Valentine Bookmark & Sachet project.
Here’s how you can make one
fat quarter white fabric
small pieces of fabric for hearts and Xs – can use charm squares
cotton batting scraps
fat quarter for the pillow back
20″ pillow form
22″ or longer zipper
3 yards pink trim
2 yards pink lace
1/4 yard border fabric
10″ of velcro
X and Heart pattern, click here
Begin by cutting the white background fabric 15″ square
Measure and position the pink lace so it creates equal sections, taking into account 1/4″ seam allowances around the outside of the square. Using Spray n Bond basting spray makes positioning lace a snap. If you don’t have this, you can pin. Sew with matching thread. Next, position the next 2 pieces of lace to create the grid. Sew into place.
Print and cut out the X and the heart.
Layer a piece of fabric, cotton batting, and another piece of fabric like this with right sides facing out. You are making a mini quilt sandwich. These don’t have to look pretty. I cut mine with scissors and did not measure. Using basting spray, spray the layers so they stay together.
Pin and X or a Heart on the fabric.
Stitch all the way around the pattern piece.
Cut out the X close to the seam. Cut 1″ piece of velcro and position the soft piece in the center of the X. Make sure you use the same side of the velcro for each piece or they won’t be interchangeable 🙂 I had to use the seam ripper on one of mine 🙁
Sew around the velcro square. Do this to each heart and X. I made 5 hearts and 4 Xs. Sew the opposite sides to each velcro piece in the middle of the tic tac toe squares.
Prepare the boarders by cutting (2) 15″ x 3″ strips and (2) 20″ x 3″ strips.
Sew the 15″ long strips to each side using 1/4″ seams. Press toward the boarder.
Sew the 20″ pieces on in the same manner. Press. Sew the decorative trim around the pillow front, rounding the corners.
Prepare the back of the pillow. Cut a 21″ x 20″ piece of fabric (I add 1″ to the length just in case the zipper or the zipper seam differs). Cut at the 4″ mark. Insert the zipper. Trim off the excess zipper. With the zipper partially open, place the pillow front to the pillow back, matching the top edge and the side edge. There should be about 1″ extra at the bottom of the back piece. Cut this off after sewing all the way around the pillow. Sew all the way around the pillow using the trim seam as you guide. I like to sew just a little larger seam then the seam I created when sewing the trim on. Turn right side out.
Insert the 20″ pillow form and then place the game pieces on the velcro squares – whose ready to play!!
This is the back of the pillow – you can make it how you want – this is just a super fast & easy way to finish a pillow.
The fabrics are amazing!!!
Sally was being silly 🙂

[…] is a Free Valentine’s Day Quilted Pillow Pattern designed by Polly from Pieces by Polly!“Tic Tac Toe” is a Free Valentine’s Day Quilted Pillow Pattern designed by Amanda from…“Quilted Heart” is a Free Valentine’s Day Quilted Pillow Pattern designed by Patty […]