Sally has been begging me for a half-apron for quite some time. I fell in love with the Remember fabric line designed by Carina Gardner, who I had the privilege of meeting at Sewing Summit! Her Riley Blake Fabrics are so beautiful. I love the vintage feel of this fabric line – it’s perfect to go in my vintage-inspired kitchen. The aprons are pretty simple to make. Here’s what you need:
3/4 yard main fabric
1 yard stripe fabric
1/4 yard pink fabric
1/4 yard pocket fabric
2 yards wide lace
2 yards medium lace
2 yards small lace
Sew the strip sets together using 1/4″ seams in this order. Zig zag each seam to prevent fraying.
Press seams in one direction.
Fold pink raw edge (hem) under 1/4″ and sew.
Lay the wide lace with right sides together along the hem. Sew along the edge of the lace about 1/4″ depending on the lace pattern.
Fold under and press. Top stitch in place.
Next place the medium and small lace along the seams of the fabric strips. Top stitch in place.
Press sides in 1/4″ and bottom 1/4″. Fold the top down about 2.5″ or to your liking.
It should look like this:

Adult apron cut (2) 5″ x WOF and (1) 5″ x 21″
Child apron cut (2) 4″ x 38″ and (1) 4″ x 18″ – you can adjust the length depending on how long you want the ties.
The idea is to have a waistband portion (the shorter piece) in the center and two ties (the longer pieces) on each side.
Sew the waist band pieces end to end with the shortest piece in the center. Press seams open.
Sew a 1/4″ gathering stitch along the top of the aprons. Pull up threads to gather.
Lay the gathered piece along the waistband piece like this – making sure to align centers. Notice right sides are together.
Pin into place. Sew just this portion sewing over the gathering stitch.
Fold the waistband over so folded edges align.
Pin into place. I leave my pins in and turn the apron over and sew using the front of the waistband as my guide. That way the front of the apron looks perfect. The seam catches the back of the waistband just fine. Continue sewing the entire way around the waistband with a 1/8″ seam.

Sew Pretty. I love all the details and the mix of fabrics. You make a wonderful tutorial, too

Happy sewing.
Your blogging sister, Connie
Oh, absolutely gorgeous, both of you and the aprons! Can’t wait for my little granddaughter to grow so I can make something like this.
Oh, how cute! And what fun that they match…my little girl is 1 next month, so I will have to wait a while…but oh what fun we will have when she is older!
how do i get the pattern for the mom and me aprons