Hi! I’m Ginger, & I blog over at Ginger Snap Crafts. It’s a fun place where I share my easy, simple & cute crafty ideas, projects & recipes. I also have an amazing husband & 5 wild & crazy kiddos! I’m always busy making crafts, chasing kiddos, blogging, attending church activities & all that fun stuff! It’s never quiet around our house, and I wouldn’t change a thing. 😉
It is so fun to be over here at Jedi Craft Girl, & I’m so excited to meet all of YOU. I am so happy to be participating in the 14-day Walk with Christ. I think it’s an awesome idea to do with your family! Well, Amanda asked me to take today, and today’s topic is faith! Faith is one the very first things you have to have as you grow your testimony of the Savior! One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is Alma 32. In that chapter Alma compares faith to a little seed. If we plant the seed of faith in our hearts & nurture it with making good choices, attending church, praying, reading our scriptures & so on then it will grow & become stronger.
I found these little Grow Kits in the dollar section at Target! Yay! I knew they would be perfect for this project. They had all different kinds from flowers to sunflowers to strawberries to tomatoes. I bought a different one for each of my kiddos. Inside it has a little pot, planting medium & of course, seeds. 🙂
First each kiddo decorated their pot with paint markers.
Then we did the fun part! ha! You add warm water to the growing medium, & it gets bigger! My kiddos thought that was so cool.
Then we opened the seed packets. Look how tiny these poppy seeds are!
Then we planted the seeds in the dirt!
Now we have to care for our seed & make sure it can grow! I’ll have to update our seed progress on my blog later! So far the seeds haven’t sprouted….but hopefully soon!
As we planted our seeds & as we care for our seeds & watch them grow we will keep talking about how we have to do the same thing with our faith! If we don’t nourish it, our faith won’t grow!
Here’s a printable to go in your 14-day Walk with Christ journal. (I love this Primary song!)
Thank you so much for having me over, Amanda!
I’d love to keep in touch with YOU.
You can find me over at my blog or any of these fun places! 🙂

Thanks for having me over! I’m enjoying following your series. It’s such a great idea. Thank you for including me. 🙂
I found your 14 day walk with Christ. I love it. Thank you for sharing. Do you happen to have the PDF of the faith handout?
If you click on the image, you can save it. If you need a PDF of it, paste it into a word doc (or similar) ans save as a PDF. I hope that is helpful!