I bought this coffee table at a garage sale over 6 months ago – I paid $2 for it! I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with it – I figured I would paint it or something. So, it sat in the backyard for months and months. After reading I Heart Naptime’s post on DIY Chalk Paint, I was inspired to paint something. This coffee table was the perfect candidate!
Step #1
Have your husband kill the black widow spider that is living in the underside of the table. YIKES!!!
I loved the tutorial from I Heart Naptime. She does an amazing job of explaining each step and her piece of furniture came out fabulous. You should check it out!! I followed her steps pretty closely.
This table had spots of glitter glue all over it from it’s previous owner. I felt that a good sanding would help my table get off to a good start. I didn’t sand down to the grain – just till it was smooth.
#3 Base Color
My goal in this piece was to distress it. I wanted a black color showing through (you can use any color – or even have the wood show through) I used some black paint and painted the edges and spots on the surface. Looking back, I would have given the entire table a coat of black because I couldn’t remember where I put my spots on the top!!
This is a technique to help the base color show through the top color. I have also seen it done with candle wax. Rub the Vaseline along the edges and parts where you want the black to show through – this will give it a shabby chic or rustic look depending on how much sanding you do.
This is where we will get that worn, vintage feel to our paint. I went to Lowe’s and purchased latex paint in a light aqua color. I asked for Satin finish and when I got home I noticed it was semi-gloss. I was a little miffed, but it worked fine anyway.
Mix 5 Tablespoons of Plaster of Paris with 2 to 3 Tablespoons water in a small container
Then measure 2 cups of paint in a separate container and stir the plaster mixture into the paint until it’s smooth. This was the right amount for the size of table I was painting.
I gave my table 3 coats of paint with a paint brush, letting it dry completely between coats. Some items may only need 2 coats of paint.
#9 Finishing Wax
This is my favorite part of the project! Use Minwax Paste Finishing Wax. Get a rag and rub it all over your piece of furniture. Then let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Take another cloth and buff or polish the wax. The wax gives it a vintage look as it is not glossy or too shiny, yet not flat. It’s the perfect finish for this project. If you are finishing a piece that needs to be durable, such as a kitchen table, I suggest polyurethane or polycrylic – it will be more durable. You can get those in satin finish so they aren’t too glossy.
Ta Da!!!!
It’s done & I LOVE it so much!!!
I would totally paint furniture using this technique again. When I bought the $2 table I was thinking $4 of spray paint and it’s done. This process was lots more $$ but still cheaper than buying real chalk paint. Plus I have plenty of Plaster of Paris and finishing wax to do several more projects – YEA!!!

It turned out great! Love the color that you chose. It really gave the table a new life. 🙂 Megan
You only paid $2 for that! Wow – what a deal. Do you rub the vaseline on it before you paint it? I’ve never heard of that before, sounds interesting.
Amanda!! Fun to see this link on my blog. I love it. Wanna do one for me? I’m featuring it tomorrow. 😉 xo
I don’t understand the Plaster of Paris part…why? and does that make it a chalkboard paint – please explain!