I am participating in a New Year’s Give-Away over at “I Gotta Try That“. Click here to enter to win this tote bag I made and 13 other prizes from great crafters!
Girls Weekend in SLC
We walked around City Creek and WE GOT TO MEET ALFIE at the book signing!!! We talked to him, took pictures and he touched my hand!!!! I was floating!!!!
We got to play the Mormon Tabernacle organ. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life! The lady giving the noon recital let a few people come up and play the organ. It was amazing.
Then on to the Nauvoo Cafe for the WORLD’S BEST Turkey Pot Pie. It really is to die for!
The lights everywhere were spectacular! Such a beautiful place – especially with the snow falling.
Finally it was time for the concert we had been waiting for. I can’t even put it into words – it was AMAZING. I don’t think I took a breath during the whole thing. Alfie Boe is FABULOUS!! I didn’t want it to end.
Jelly Roll Give Away at Family Ever After
I love the Family Ever After blog. Today she is giving away this darling Moda “Kissing Booth” jelly roll. Click Here to go to her blog and enter!!
A little Crazy not Crafty
Just thought I would post a new photo of Marbles. I don’t know about you – but things get a little crazy this time of year! I have been pinning so many cute fall ideas – but haven’t had a minute to get to any of them. I haven’t sewn in over a week – that’s gotta be a record. Maybe this next week will prove to be more crafty!! Hugs!!
LA Fabric District
We spent the day in the LA Fabric District. It was lots of fun! You can find anything you want there. Bins of zippers, all colors & sizes, 10 for $1. There are buckets of buttons and you can fill a little bag for $1.99. We bought Minky fabric for $8 a yard! We also bought fabric for $2.50 a pound at the Michael Levine bargain loft!! I even bough bolts of fringe trim for $2.50 a bolt! They have all kinds of stretch lace, antique lace and other trims! Oh the possibilities!!
Sewing like Crazy
Afternoon Tea
Sally and I needed something to do so we had a tea party! First we made flower spritz cookies with pink & purple sprinkles. Then we made cucumber sandwiches.
Sally put on her Rapunzel dress and we put up a few streamers & set the table. (Yes, vintage tablecloth from a garage sale 50 cents!)
For our tea we made some cherry lemonade and Sally choose the Alice in Wonderland tea pot.
We had such a nice time sitting in the backyard and visiting. I wish we could do this everyday!!
Making Jam!
Matching Skirts Entry Was Choosen as a Finalist!!
I submitted entries into each of the 4 categories on the Ellison Lane Quilts Summer Sewing Contest. My matching skirts entry made it as a finalist!! If you like my skirts you can click HERE to vote! There are so many talented finalists – I am happy to be part of it!
Ruffled Tote Bags