Easter Skirts & Ties

The Easter skirts and ties were super cute. I loved that the girls skirts were out of the same fabric but each were different patterns.

Easter Skirts & Ties

The Easter skirts and ties were super cute. I loved that the girls skirts were out of the same fabric but each were different patterns.

A New Apron for Me

I have been collecting apron patterns and tutorials. I found this darling retro blender fabric and knew it was destined to be an apron. So instead of getting out one of my many new apron patterns, I dig out an old one – McCalls M5505

The pattern has you hem all the edges and there are so many raw seams especially with the ruffle. I cut another apron front out and used it as the back. I sewed it and turned it and now there are no exposed seams! I love that!

A New Apron for Me

I have been collecting apron patterns and tutorials. I found this darling retro blender fabric and knew it was destined to be an apron. So instead of getting out one of my many new apron patterns, I dig out an old one – McCalls M5505

The pattern has you hem all the edges and there are so many raw seams especially with the ruffle. I cut another apron front out and used it as the back. I sewed it and turned it and now there are no exposed seams! I love that!

Easter Neck Ties

I spent the day with Jennifer from Jennifer Sews Again learning & trying to make neck ties. I have always wanted to do this and so had sue – so I guess now is as good of time as any. We scoured the creative sewing blogs for patterns, trying some but just not happy with the results. We ended up deconstructing an existing tie. We un-stitched all the pieces, pressed them, then traced them and came up with our own pattern. It worked great. Ties are just a little sewing on the machine and the rest is pressing and hand stitching! Now we will have ties that match the girl’s skirts for Easter!

Easter Neck Ties

I spent the day with Jennifer from Jennifer Sews Again learning & trying to make neck ties. I have always wanted to do this and so had sue – so I guess now is as good of time as any. We scoured the creative sewing blogs for patterns, trying some but just not happy with the results. We ended up deconstructing an existing tie. We un-stitched all the pieces, pressed them, then traced them and came up with our own pattern. It worked great. Ties are just a little sewing on the machine and the rest is pressing and hand stitching! Now we will have ties that match the girl’s skirts for Easter!

Kitchen Banner

I took down all the window treatments by the kitchen table. It looked quite bare. I wanted something smaller and lighter yet full of color. With the all white kitchen finished, it is screaming for color now. I decided on a fabric banner. I traced a circle and folded it in half, sewed the curvy part then turned it right side out. Then, just use double fold bias tape to sew all the scallops together.

Kitchen Banner

I took down all the window treatments by the kitchen table. It looked quite bare. I wanted something smaller and lighter yet full of color. With the all white kitchen finished, it is screaming for color now. I decided on a fabric banner. I traced a circle and folded it in half, sewed the curvy part then turned it right side out. Then, just use double fold bias tape to sew all the scallops together.

A skirt for Ella

I made this skirt for my daughter yesterday. I am thinking it will be our “Easter colors”. I have enough fabric to sew Sally a peasant dress and a skirt for me. (I am even thinking a tie for Ryan) Beverly’s had all their Amy Butler 50% off! Love that!

A skirt for Ella

I made this skirt for my daughter yesterday. I am thinking it will be our “Easter colors”. I have enough fabric to sew Sally a peasant dress and a skirt for me. (I am even thinking a tie for Ryan) Beverly’s had all their Amy Butler 50% off! Love that!