I bought this rather large frame at a garage sale for a few dollars. I wanted to make it into some kind of collage/bulletin board. I love chicken wire and this was the perfect frame for it. All I did was snip the chicken wire with wire cutters the size of the frame. Then I used a staple gun to secure the wire to the back of the frame. Took about 5 minutes!!
For the past 19 years where ever we have traveled we have made it a point to visit the nearest LDS Temple. I printed out photos from every temple we’ve been too….from Hawaii to New York! Since this year’s mutual theme is “Stand ye in Holy Places”, I thought it would be fun to gather all the photos and create a memory board.
I found this graphic for free at Hang a Ribbon on The Moon. I used silver binder clips to attach everything to the chicken wire. The nice thing about this is it is so easy to switch out. The possibilities are endless!
I have noticed friends who visit my home enjoy looking at all the different temples and where they are located….friends of our faith and friends of other faiths. Having this hanging in our home serves a reminder of what is important in our family and what we should be focusing on.