It’s Saturday which means I set my alarm and get up earlier than I do the entire week to go Garage Sale-ing! I was quite happy with my finds today!!!
Wood frame – I wonder what color I am going to spray paint it!! $1
I found this vintage Arts and Crafts book. I love the owl on the cover – it’s going on display in my sewing room. $1
I found a new Pyrex dish I don’t have – I was super excited almost in tears when I found it! Mint condition $1
I got this cute little bird china plate – it’s not vintage but has a vintage look. 50 cents
I love this antique barrel. It had an antique store tag on it saying $85 – I paid $5!!
And lastly, my FAVORITE….a vintage hand made, hand quilted bow tie quilt. I couldn’t believe it was just laying on a lady’s front lawn. It was calling my name – I NEVER find anything like this at garage sales. It had an antique store tag on it $385 – I paid $5 for it!! I am on a shoppers high 🙂
Do you like to go to garage sales?