One Direction & Richie the Elf
December 14, 2013 by 2 Comments
This morning we found Richie hanging out with Harry and Louis from One Direction. I guess they had a camp out last night and we found them making S’mores!
The marshmallows are actually toasted!
At 6:30 this morning I found Sally down stairs playing with the 1D dolls (of course never touching Richie for fear he will loose his magic). She thought this was the greatest!!

Richie & the Pickles
December 13, 2013 by 1 Comment
It’s always so exciting waking up in the morning! Sally is up every mooring by 6:30 looking for Richie! This morning we found pickles taped everywhere and Richie with this note:
We have a pickle ornament on our Christmas tree and the children play “find the pickle” every day. It’s their favorite! I guess Richie loves it too as there were paper pickles all over the house!
Hiding in the Christmas Tree were 3 small pickle ornaments with the children’s names on them. Super Cute! No one really knows if the pickle ornament is really a “German Tradition” or not, but in our family it is the highlight of decorating the Christmas Tree and a fun version of Hide and Seek!

Richie & the Cats
December 12, 2013 by 3 Comments
Snap, Crackle & Pop with Richie our Elf
December 11, 2013 by 1 Comment
This morning we found Richie on the kitchen table in the box of Rice Krispies! That clever elf, he gets us every time! It appears he first tried to make a snow angel in the Rice Krispies, then went ahead and made Rice Krispy Treats!
My 5 year old was amazed there were no dirty dishes and no signs of anything being cooked in the kitchen during the night. She concluded, “It must be Christmas Magic.”

Elf Sing-A-Long
December 10, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Deer RIchie
December 9, 2013 by Leave a Comment
St. Nicholas Day
December 8, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Ever since I was a little girl my family would celebrate St. Nicholas Day. My parents always made the Christmas season seem magical. I love this tradition because it gives the children something fun to look forward to. On the night of December 5th, you set out your shoes and St. Nicholas comes and fills them with little treats, small gifts and a new ornament for the Christmas tree. I love that every year my children get a new ornament for their own little tree. When they are grown, they will have a box of ornaments from their childhood to help them remember Christmas past. I love looking at my childhood ornaments, they bring back such wonderful memories.
I think traditionally you are only to put out 1 pair of shoes per person, my children like to get out lots of shoes – I guess that means more treats!
This is where we found Richie our Elf this morning. It looks like he wanted in the fun too. He found some American Girl Shoes and got his own little treats!

Our Elf is Sick
December 7, 2013 by 2 Comments
Uh oh, our Elf, Richie is sick and so is my 5 year old. Yea, things have been a little rough around here. I guess Richie must have picked up a bug. This morning we found him tucked in a bed with a elf-size red & white quilt and lots of kleenex, medicine and cough drops! He wrote a note explaining he wasn’t even able to make it back to the North Pole, poor guy.
It was kind of nice for Sally to have a buddy to hang out with all day and watch movies in bed with.
I hope they both get feeling better soon!

Elf on the Shelf Hide & Seek
December 6, 2013 by Leave a Comment
This morning we awoke to find Richie our Elf sitting on the flying pig surrounded by Hershey Kiss wrappers and pieces of chocolate. We also found a note attached saying that he hid Kisses all around the house!
The bottom of the Kisses were all marked with little stickers that say, “Be Good”. That must be how they make them at the North Pole!
Just can’t get enough of Richie and the flying pig!!!

Richie & the Kleenex Caper
December 5, 2013 by Leave a Comment
The children looked all over for Richie this morning! Finally they looked in the bathroom and there he was in a Christmas Kleenex box! We thought that was pretty funny. Then, when my son went to actually use a Kleenex, he was totally surprised! Richie sewed all the Kleenex together into one big long chain! That totally caught us off guard!!! We love our Elf!!!