This year we are condensing our 14 day walk with Jesus into a 7 days. Beginning today we are following along with Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler and focusing on a different eyewitness to the last week of Christ’s mortal life. There is a 5 minute video (click here) that goes along with each daily lesson. As for my version of our Walk with Jesus, I have chosen to focus on music. I feel close to Jesus through scripture, through the spoken word, but most of all through music. Some of my most tender moments with the Savior have come as a result of listening to music. Each day I am sharing a printable that you can print or post of a song lyric. Also there will be a link to the song so you can listen to it! I hope this adds a little meaning to your day this week as we prepare for Easter.
Click HERE to download all of the images for the week.
Day 1
God So Loved The World by City of Enoch

Day 2
Anthem Lights Medly of Amazing Grace, Come Thou Fount, I Need Thee Every Hour, and Be Thou My Vision – Click HERE
Day 3
Steady My Heart by Kari Jobe, Click HERE
Day 4
Because He Lives, click HERE
Day 5
In Christ Alone my Hope is Found by Caleb & Kelsey, click HERE
Day 6
Just Say Jesus by 7eventh Time Down, Click HERE
Day 7 Easter
Savior Redeemer of My Soul, Click HERE