Kimberly’s Sac Pattern from Fat Quarter Shop

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Today I am participating in a blog hop with the Fat Quarter Shop!  We are showing off this super cute, super easy cross-body bag called Kimberly’s Sac.  This bag is so much fun to make that I had to make two of them!  One is for me and one is for my daughter.  There is even a video you can watch to help you as you sew along!                    Screen Shot 2016-03-22 at 6.38.40 PM

This bag is great because it’s comfy and slouchy!  I used quilt batting inside so it feels like a soft quilt.

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I made 2 versions: one is with Cat Lady Fabric by Cotton and Steel and the other, for my daughter, is sewn with the latest Star Wars fabric.

kimberlay sac star wars bag 2

For Star Wars bag, I used only squares for the outer bag.  This was easier for Ella to cut out and design by herself.


She LOVES it!  This would make the perfect gift for the Star Wars Nerd in your life 🙂

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And this Cat Lady version would be the perfect gift for that Crazy Cat Lady in your life (or yourself)…..hahahaha!

cat lady tote bag

I used parts of the selvage in the Cat Lady bag – I love Cotton and Steel’s creative use of fabric selvage!

cat lady bag

cat lady bag 2

Since this bag is soft and cuddly just like a quilt, of course Mufasa sought it out as the perfect place for an afternoon nap 🙂

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I suppose it’s fitting that my Cat Lady bag has cat fur on it!!

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This is such a fun bag to use!  I can’t wait to make another one!

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  1. Sandra Norris says

    I would love to make this bag but finding the pattern. Looks easy enough having the dimensions would be nice.
    Thank you!

  2. Dawn Saunders says

    I would like the pattern for this! Love it!

  3. 이것에 대한 패턴을 원합니다. 매우 아름답습니다.

  4. Just make it the size you would like it to be. Not really difficult but it is really cute.

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