Halloween Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt



Have you ever made a “Disappearing Nine-Patch Quilt”?  This is such a fun pattern and great for beginner quilters.  You can change the pattern of the quilt by changing the colors of the patches and the layout.  It is made by sewing a simple 9-Patch block and then cutting it in quarters and repositioning the new blocks.  I love the simple Halloween colors of Black, White and Orange.  I found this black, orange and white wavy boarder from Riley Blake Designs.  I think it totally makes the quilt!  Here’s how you can make one:

Finished quilt: 49″ x 62″


assorted orange and black fabric

1 yard solid white

3/4 yard solid black for inner boarder and binding

3/4 yard orange and black wavy stripe

Begin by cutting 5″ squares of orange, white and black.  For this quilt I pieced (12) nine-patch blocks.  Each block had the same color values: orange corners, white side centers and black center.  I used a variety of oranges and blacks.

cut (12) black 5″ squares

cut (48) orange 5″ squares

cut (48) white 5″ squares.disappearing_nine_patch_quilt_halloween_8

Using 1/4″ seams throughout, sew squares together in rows and then rows together to form the block.  Press toward the dark.  The block will look like this:


Cut in quarters.  Since the block at this point measures 14″ square, cut it at the 7″ point on both sides:


Next comes the fun part of playing with the layout.  I choose to lay mine out like this so the small black squares made a pattern.


Sew the blocks together in rows and the rows together and press.

For the boarder:

The black inner boarder is cut 1.5″ wide.  I didn’t measure the length, I sewed it to the sides of the quilt and trimmed the excess.

The wavy outer boarder is 5″ wide.  I matched the stripes when piecing the boarder together.  I added 5″ squares to the corners of the boarder.


I LOVE how it turned out!  I have it on my couch and it makes me happy to look at it.  Now, to just keep the cat off it 🙂




  1. It was fun sewing this pattern with all the ladies at Relief Society!!

  2. Love this quilt. Looks more complicated than it is. I have a shower gift in spring and I think this will be the pattern using the couple’s school colors. Just discovered your blog – it’s great!

  3. RonnieSewLoca says

    I can’t believe how cutting and rearranging a simple quilt block can look so amazing!! I know I can make this and finish it. This one is a great stash buster too. I have never made a quilt because it seemed too labor intensive to cut the pieces and sew them all together, not to mention how easy it would be to make mistakes. This one looks harmless to try. I’m not sure about the free motion sewing part but maybe I would sew straight lines across the blocks before cutting in quarters? They would look interesting once pieced together, kinda like “quilt as you go” with the patches having either vertical or horizontal lines. Your quilt is awesome, love!!

    • Thank you for your comment!!! Yes! you can totally make this!! My advice is to make sure your seam allowances are the same on every seam which will make it easier to put together so the blocks will be the same size. It’s fun to try different patterns as well. I love straight line quilting as well. I would love to see pictures of your quilt when it’s done! Hugs, Amanda

  4. Rochelle Marouski says

    Beautiful job on the 9 patch! I have a tub of Halloween scraps so I will be doing this quilt! I’ve done this method as quick baby gifts but love the Halloween colors you’ve used!
    Great job!

  5. Staci Salic says

    Do you have an actual pattern for this quilt? My mom is going to make it for me but as a queen. We were wondering if there was a pattern that gave the queen requirements.

    • I don’t have the pattern figured for a queen, but I don’t think it would be too hard to figure out. According to Quiltmaker, a Queen quilt should measure 60″ x 80″. My pattern measures 49″ x 62″ and each block is 7″. Check my math, but you could do about 8 across and 10 down and then figure the border how you want it. I also like my bead quilts a little larger than the recommended size. I hope this is somewhat helpful!!

  6. I love this quilt! I just found this blog post through another blog link for Halloween inspiration. I have an awesome zombie print with an orange background that I bought on sale (8 yards!). This would be perfect to showcase the zombie print with and make my hubby a quilt! Thanks for the inspiration. And I love this quilt block pattern. So simple to piece together.

  7. I just came across your site and I LOVE this pattern! It looks so easy! I was gifted hundreds of yards of fabric from an estate, in all sorts of fun holiday prints and solids and this quilt pattern would be perfect! Never done a quilt before but I’m going to give it a try!


  1. […] Another quilt using Halloween colors, but not overtly Halloween-y is this Disappearing nine-patch tutorial from Jedi Craft Girl. […]

  2. […] Click here to get the free pattern:  Halloween Disappearing Nine-Patch Quilt Pattern […]

  3. […] Click here to get the free pattern:  Halloween Disappearing Nine-Patch Quilt Pattern […]

  4. […] Click on right here to get the unfastened trend:  Halloween Disappearing Nine-Patch Quilt Pattern […]

  5. […] Click here to get the free pattern:  Halloween Disappearing Nine-Patch Quilt Pattern […]

  6. […] “Halloween Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt” is a Free Halloween Quilt Pattern designed by Ama… […]

  7. […] Você ama listras onduladas e os visuais que elas criam? As bordas onduladas podem ser tão convidativas e visualmente atraentes que quase podem compensar o corpo maçante de uma colcha. No entanto, não queremos que você faça isso. Basta fazer bordas onduladas para adicionar ainda mais sofisticação a uma colcha já deslumbrante. Apare as bordas externas muito mais grossas do que as internas e adicione quadrados aos cantos. Voilá! Você terá bordas de colcha épicas prontas. Padrões de Garota Artesã Jedi […]

  8. […] O 9-Patch Halloween Disappearing Blanket é feito costurando um bloco simples de 9 remendos e depois cortando-o em quatro pedaços. Esses quartos são então movidos para novos blocos. Você pode criá-lo em cores diferentes de sua escolha ou alterar a proporção das mesmas cores e fazer sua abordagem pessoal a esse padrão. Padrões de Garota Artesã Jedi […]

  9. […] the enchanting “Halloween Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt” pattern from Jedi Craft Girl [1]. Crafted by a seasoned quilting aficionado, this pattern promises to captivate both novice and […]

  10. […] Disappearing Nine-Patch by Amanda: A subtle Halloween-themed quilt that’s versatile and stylish. […]

  11. […] Quilt” is a Free Halloween Lap Quilt Pattern designed by Amy Smart from Diary of a Quilter!“Halloween Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt” is a Free Halloween Lap Quilt Pattern designed by Ama…“Spooktacular Halloween Quilting” is a Free Halloween Lap Quilt Pattern designed by Daisy […]

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