On Christmas Eve, Richie has extra magic which means we can touch him without running the risk of him loosing hie magic. We look forward to this day and it is extra special for our youngest – Richie is her world!
TP Christmas Tree
The M&M bath
Crusin’ around with Merida in the back of the truck
Chillin’ in the freezer
Sleeping in
The underwear display
Epic game of Battleship with Rudolph
Dry erase marker on the school pictures
Crape paper barricade
Elf-size tea party
Red marker Rudolph Noses on the children
Again – hangin’ with Rapunzel
Popcorn party gone out of control
Good advice
Jokes are a hit with the 9 year old crowd!
Lego mini figures feeling neglected
Just fishin’
Richie loves his princesses!
Hanging by a stocking
Playing with the Vinylmation collection